Tips on... Ways to intake more fruit and veg

Tips on how to increase your daily intake of fruit and veg
  • If you are really fussy about eating, and don't like to eat vegetables and fruits at all, make sure you do eat enough fruit and veg by eating as much of the foods you like as possible
  • If you would usually have fruit with breakfast, try some with yoghurt or with cereal
  • For afternoon tea instead of (eg) a chocolate smoothie, have a chocolate and berry or banana. (or just fruits)

Tips on... How to avoid bad and unhealthy foods

  • Make sure you know what is going in your foods, either by checking the nutrition information, ingrediants list or making the food yourself
  • Don't drink fizzy drink because, all the sugar and carbohydrates, if you don't burn it off, will turn into fat.
  • Avoid all fried food as they all contain trans fats.

Tips on…. How to stay full
You have just finished eating a healthy lunch, you put down you cutlery and look at your empty plate, and then you feel it. The after lunch/breakfast/dinner hunger. Why, you ask yourself are you still hungry after eating a whole meal? Sometimes you feel hungry because you have the sensation that you are not satisfied or you weren't fulfilled from what you ate.
Some ways to keep full include:
  • If you are at home, brush you teeth after you eat a main meal - this little mind trick will help to not snack after a meal, because you have just brushed you teeth and you don't want to get rid on that fresh, minty taste.
  • If you are really really really hungry, but you don't want to eat outside you dedicated meal times, have a sugar free mint or sugar free chewing gum, this will trick you body into thinking your eating, but you are not consuming any unwanted, carbohydrates, calories or sugar.
  • Drink (skim) milk with your meals.
  • Have a glass of water every hour between meals to stay full.